Sunday, March 22, 2009

Twilight Movie Review |

^^^ ( this book is probably one of my all time favorites ) ^^^

I read Twilight wayyyyyyyyy before all the hype and hysteria surrounding the series, and i fell in love with it instantly. While reading the book, the thought of a movie being made from the series never even crossed my mind although it had all the potential to be a novel turned movie (ex: harry potter). However, i wish they never did make this movie. It was BAD. The acting was mediocre to say the least, they probably spent 20 dollars on all the special effects combined and the most crucial details about the characters were left out.

3 Things Gone Wrong with Twilight:

1. Good vampires in the movie are supposed to have golden eyes.... it's kinda important .....

^^ ( so where are the gold eyes??? he doesn't have gold eyes here ...... & actually he doesnt have gold eyes anywhere in the entire movie. smh ... just buy some cheap contacts for the actors it's not that hard people ) ^^

2. The cast (leads: bella & edward) suck on the basis that they have no acting experience, or at least not enough to bring out the two most important people in the series. They could have found ANYONE ... i mean ANYONE to play Bella better. But it seems like Kristen Stewart (Bella), was the one girl they auditioned who couldn't act and they decided "OMG she's perfect". She literally has no emotion and she sports the same "i dont really give" face throughtout the entire movie.

As for the Robert Pattinson (Edward), his acting skills were slightly better. He seemed to carry Kristen in most scences but in the end, he is just an average actor to me.

^^^ ( this was about as much chemistry you got from them in the entire movie .... not much going on is there? ) ^^^

3. Finally, just the fact that the movie now has so many fans and has become box office "gold" (its more like fool's gold), that means there is going to be 3 more installments with the same sucky cast and probably the same mistakes. Which also means i'll probably force myself to watch all of them in hopes of it getting better..... -_- ... idk.

Ughhhh ... overall, it was annoying to watch but honestly i expected it to be a hella lot worst. Out of 5 stars, i would give it a 3 .... maybe .... if i'm feeling generous.


On a brighter, more comedic note take a look at this funny video re-enacting the movie.

^^^ very funny ( esp if you watched the original )


Jacque said...

I agree with everything you said here (except I would give it 2 stars)

I had never read the books, but the movie sucked hard eggs. I hated it! Kristen Stewart sucks. She looks/acts like a stoner. And I didn't like the guy who played Jacob either. The best part was when the two vampires fought near the end. Without that scene it would be a 1. Lol, I'll stop here because there are sooo many things I could say about this movie.

Jacque said...

and LOL at that video! The baseball scene cracked me up!

Miss Wilson said...

Girl, I completely understand what you mean. I never understood why my hair couldn't grow past a few inches below my shoulders, yet I had to relax every 8 weeks because I had growth. I'm finally getting that it's about taking care of the ends lol. I like to wash my hair a lot because it gets soo itchy if I dont. I wash with a conditioner (no shampoo) like every 3 days or so, because it's so easy to just leave down to air dry then just pull back in a pony/bun. I wash with shampoo after 2 cowashes, so every 9 days or so and I try to deep condition twice a week now, I do it on dry hair before I wash so I don't have to go back in the shower to rinse. So before one of the cowashes and before I shampoo. Yupp that's pretty much it, it's all listed on my fotki if you want to look, stop by anytime if I'm super confusing or you want to ask something else much love girl

ebay (MDSHOOTER08) said...

its funny how people will hype a movie as long as they like the actors in the movie. LMAO, movies in minutes are hillarious. specially the extremley short one for " I Am Legend ". How do u get youtube videos in your posts???? ( im having lots of trouble with that LLS )

br!!t. said...

@jacque: lmao werd, she really did look like a stoner, thats probably the best description for her. & i also liked the fighting scene, i think the guy who played james was really good but it needed better effects it was just so disappointing (especially when they were running)
& the baseball scene was my fav part too, i was jus watchin like how did he get his leg all the way up there??? i cant even do that lol =)

@theresa: thank you for the advice, i def will be checking back

@ebay: i knowwww everyone hyped it up so much i was jus like damn, do you not see what your watching here people .... its trash
and the movie in minutes guys r really funny, i didnt watch the i am legend one yet, but imma check it out
(and i posted how to put up youtube videos on ur blog =]