Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Walking on the Moon" - The Dream = Great Song

So you've probably already seen a lot of blogs posting the song, "Walking on the Moon" by The Dream & Kanye and either liked it, loved it, or really didnt give 2 cents about it. Well in my case, i was apart of the "i didn't give 2 cents about it" percentile because i was just SOOOO SICK of hearing The Dream's voice.

But I downloaded it anyway, so 2 days ago I fell asleep on the train and woke up just in time to hear Kanye's verse and I couldn't help but like it. Kanye sounds like the old Kanye, the Kanye from the College Dropout & Graduation days, before all the depression and emo-ness. I think The Dream should have just gave Kanye the beat and let him rhyme over it ... but sadly that is not the case. So everything from 2:54 and on in that song is on rewind on my mp3 player.

** & if your apart of that 1% who didn't already hear "Walking on the Moon", it can be found to the left of your screen on my music playlist =)

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