Friday, February 20, 2009

Rihanna BDay | Lady Gaga's Tampon | Gay N' Tight

Rihanna's Birthday

Today is Rihanna's 21st BDay and with everything that is surrounding her with the media, and the case with CB, today probably will be the worst birthday she has had for a while. Not to mention, the release/leak of the pic showing her bruises yesterday. It seems like they [the media] were just timing it off too, smh... idk she better press charges against CB otherwise she is complete fool. Hope she still is able to put a smile on her face today though.

If you want to see the pic of Rihanna's face, click here


Lady Gaga on some beach

Next up Lady Gaga ....
Things we know about Lady Gaga:
1. She is a crazy sex fiend
2. Her music is catchy
3. She doesn't understand the concept of wearing pants (long pants) .... at all

#3 brings us into the next pic.... there is just a time and place when you just have to put on some pants that come past your knee. Like I understand Gaga you love showing all that you got to the world while your on stage but jeeeeezzzzzzz its bad when your tampon is showing through as well.

visual tampon alert...

smh (-_- ) that view could have been avoided if she had just worn some jeans.....


Finally, who do you think are wearing these most fashionably tight jeans??? hmmm... maybe Paris Hilton? or could it be one of them Olsen twins???

pretty tight right????

Well, its neither boys and girls. It some wierd guy....

wtf??? its a man!!!

But who he is, IS NOT IMPORTANT. The fact that guys think its cool to wear jeans this tight is the problem... its a bad trend for guys and who ever put the idea into their heads that its cool is highly mistaken. The following video actually expresses the way I feel about this whole issue perfectly. I present to you:
Gay N' Tight (a rap over Kid CuDi's Day N' Nite)

Like the video says when you can shop for skinny jeans with me, theres a problem ...

Now i'm off to do all that homework that i've been pushing off for the past 4 days (procrastination is a real b****)

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